How to Express "Now I Understand" in Japanese

Jan 28, 2016 13:01
When I correct Japanese sentences on Lang-8, I sometimes see expressions such as "今理解できます" and "今わかります."

I think these are the literal translation results of "now I understand," but they're a little unnatural.

Today, I'd like to show you how to express "now I understand" in Japanese.

First, since we often express "a moment of understanding" when we understand something, past tenses are usually used in such situations.

I mean, "今理解できます" and "今わかります" become "今理解できました" and "今わかりました," respectively.

At least these are natural Japanese sentences, but the word "今(now)" is not excellent with past tenses very much, because "今" implies "in this precise moment."

In my opinion, they will become more natural by changing as the following sentences without using "今" ;

日本語で「now I understand」を表現する方法


これらは「now I understand」を直訳したものだと思いますが、少し不自然です。

今日は、「now I understand」を日本語でどう表現するかを紹介します。





No. 1 gyokuro's correction
  • When I correct Japanese sentences on Lang-8, I sometimes see expressions such as "今理解できます" and "今わかります."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I think these are the literal translation results of "now I understand," but they're a little unnatural.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Today, I'd like to show you how to express "now I understand" in Japanese.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • First, since we often express "a moment of understanding" when we understand something, past tenses are usually used in such situations.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I mean, "今理解できます" and "今わかります" become "今理解できました" and "今わかりました," respectively.
  • By that I mean, "今理解できます" and "今わかります" become "今理解できました" and "今わかりました," respectively.
  • At least these are natural Japanese sentences, but the word "今(now)" is not excellent with past tenses very much, because "今" implies "in this precise moment."
  • At least these are grammatically correct Japanese sentences, but the word "今(now)" is not excellent with past tenses very much, because "今" implies "in this precise moment."
     They still aren't totally natural, which is what you're trying to say.
  • In my opinion, they will become more natural by changing as the following sentences without using "今" ;
  • In my opinion, they will become more natural by changing to the following sentences without using "今" ;
Great explanation!
  • At least these are grammatically correct Japanese sentences, but the word "今(now)" is not excellent with past tenses very much, because "今" implies "in this precise moment."

    They still aren't totally natural, which is what you're trying to say.

"Grammatically correct" is exactly the word you want to use here. I'm disappointed that I didn't use it myself in my correction of this sentence.
Thank you very much for correcting my post!
I learned something new :)
No. 2 clemmy's correction
  • How to Express "Now I Understand" in Japanese
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • When I correct Japanese sentences on Lang-8, I sometimes see expressions such as "今理解できます" and "今わかります."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • I think these are the literal translation results of "now I understand," but they're a little unnatural.
  • I think these are the literal translation results of "now I understand," but they're a little unnatural.
     Native: I think these are the result of literally translating "now I understand" so they feel a little unnatural.
  • Today, I'd like to show you how to express "now I understand" in Japanese.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • First, since we often express "a moment of understanding" when we understand something, past tenses are usually used in such situations.
  • First, since we often express "a moment of understanding" when we understand something, past tenses are is usually used in such situations.
  • I mean, "今理解できます" and "今わかります" become "今理解できました" and "今わかりました," respectively.
  • I mean Meaning that, "今理解できます" and "今わかります" become "今理解できました" and "今わかりました," respectively.
  • At least these are natural Japanese sentences, but the word "今(now)" is not excellent with past tenses very much, because "今" implies "in this precise moment."
  • Now these are at least natural Japanese sentences, but the word "今(now)" is not excellent (the best) with past tenses very much, because "今" implies "in this precise moment."
     We don't often say "not excellent". We would use a weaker word such as "the best".
  • In my opinion, they will become more natural by changing as the following sentences without using "今" ;
  • In my opinion, they will become more natural by changing them to as the following sentences without using "今" ;
Like you I see this problem often with learners of Japanese so it's good for you to write about the topic. Your English is excellent and I only had to make a few corrections although they could use a bit more finesse to sound more natural. Best of luck!
Thank you very much for the corrections and your comment!
I'm glad to hear you say that :)